
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Sales Leaders: Becoming Square Pegs in a Square Holes

9 Minutos

Fully Filling the Shoes of a Bag-Carrying Professional Sales Leader is Not Easy!

Shaun Alger and I know from experience. That is why we are delighted to be tag-teaming together in facilitating a unique peer forum experience specifically for Sales Leaders. It is one of a kind. For Sales Leaders. With Sales Leaders. By Sales Leaders.

A Little About Us

Shaun is a proven, bag-carrying and quota-smashing career sales professional and sales leader.  He has hired, managed, and developed over 1,100 sales professionals.  He is also a serial founder, entrepreneur, and CEO who has sold 9 companies.   As a consultant, he has helped more than 500 companies grow with many having profitable exits.  He has been involved with peer forums and communities for 20+ years. He brings an acute focus on results. 

I was a Sales & Marketing VP of an Aerospace high-technology hardware & software business serving OEMs (Boeing, Airbus, etc.), Airlines & Militaries globally.  Once a Sales & Marketing VP always a Sales & Marketing VP!  After which I became a serial CEO of such companies, ending up running the Aerospace Division of a British public company.  Since going independent 20+ years ago, I have specialized in peer forums, agility, and Collective Intelligence, working with thousands of executives and CEOs across a wide spectrum of businesses and industries globally.

Round Pegs & Square Holes?

As a serial CEO, I experienced the struggle many times of finding and developing the Sales Leaders I really wanted to have, who could fully fill the growth roles I really needed them to fill.  

I think of it in terms of round pegs and square holes!

I have seen it so many times. The Sales Leader can be a great person, well-rounded with human skills, very good at building relationships and being well-liked.  Yet they can easily lack the cutting edges of the sharp corner pieces that I need them to have, of acute orientations to 4 things:

  • Plan
  • People
  • Process
  • Platform

Those cutting edges and sharp corner pieces are difficult to chisel out. Yet, they are essential to fully become the square peg in a square hole that we want our Sales Leaders to be. Sure enough, inside that square peg, we still need and want the well-rounded peg of human relationship skills.  But that is not enough.

A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Sales Leaders

REF San Diego has built a one-of-a-kind peer forum experience specifically for Sales Leaders to develop those 4 differentiators above.  

Like only the collective intelligence power of peers can truly do!  A peer forum experience is like a hall of mirrors.  There is nowhere to hide.  

In a confidential setting with no competitors (or other conflicts of interest of any kind), a peer forum is a safe place where learners come with a beginner's mind, where the good come to become great, and where the best come to get better.

Avoiding a Donut Hole!

Actually, there is a 5th element which is also crucial.  It can easily be a donut hole in the middle of everything, undermining your growth ambitions. An INFRASTRUCTURE for Scalability.  

This is the architecture with which Plan, People, Process & Platform come together as the infrastructure for scalable growth, to stay ahead of the growing pains which so many businesses encounter.  

Of course, that is a broader issue across the C-Suite and, in our experience, unfortunately, the Sales function can often easily be a lagging participant behind the curve of that dialog and evolution, easily becoming a bottleneck constraint.  Our focus is to ensure that the opposite is the case and that your Sales Leader is a leading participant ahead of the curve as a driver.

You Are Not Alone!

If you are a CEO wishing your Sales Leader would fully become the square peg in the square hole that you need, you are not alone! Invest in them being a member of this forum.

If you are a Sales Leader who wants to be amongst the best getting better, you are not alone! Ask for your CEO’s support to invest in your being a member of this forum.

Return on Investment:  Little to Lose, Lots to Gain

The Sales Leadership Forum is only half a day per month of an in-person monthly meeting and a modest membership subscription.

There is no long-term contract. Our members vote with their wallets and their feet, staying a long time as they find it such a great ROI.

So there is very little to lose. Plus lots to gain. Access expert insights and form deep and meaningful relationships in a confidential setting of diverse members with no competitors. Bring your most strategic, critical, and intractable issues, problems, challenges, and opportunities to a safe place to process with the forum.  Belong to a community of leaders powered by Collective Intelligence, locally, regionally, nationally, and globally.

Limited Availability

There are only 20 seats available for non-competing members in this first Sales Leadership Forum. So don’t miss out.  Contact us today to express your interest: mrichardson@ref.global