La IA y la Brújula Moral: ¿Hasta Dónde Podemos Delegar?
Ciudades del futuro - Carlo van de Weijer
Lifespan vs. Healthspan: El Futuro de la Longevidad con IA
Longevidad y la IA - Javier Ramirez Sabau
De Networking a Conexiones Auténticas: Creando Redes de Confianza Poderosas
Muchas veces cuando nos referimos al término de conexiones lo asociamos con networking y tenemos una asociación …
71% of US CEOs Experience Imposter Syndrome
Imposter syndrome is the nagging self-doubt that makes even high-achievers feel like frauds despite their success.
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for HR Leaders: Being a Co-Pilot in the Cockpit
Fully Filling the Shoes of being an HR Leader is Not Easy!
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Life Sciences CEOs: A Life Support System
Fully Filling the Shoes of a Life Sciences CEO is Not Easy!
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Nonprofit CEOs: Leadership Capacity Building
Fully Filling the Shoes of being a Nonprofit CEO is Not Easy!
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Operations Leaders: Mastering Chaos!
Fully Filling the Shoes of an Operations Leader is Not Easy!
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Sales Leaders: Becoming Square Pegs in Square Holes
Fully Filling the Shoes of a Bag-Carrying Professional Sales Leader is Not Easy!
A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Technology Leaders: Technicians of Transformation
Fully Filling the Shoes of being a Technology Leader is Not Easy!
Why Financial Executives Must Take a Leading Role in Artificial Intelligence Adoption for their Businesses
Insights from the Expert Insight “Artificial Intelligence for Financial Executives”.
Las 5 competencias clave para los CEO y líderes empresariales frente al escenario económico del 2024
REF realizó un análisis de las competencias necesarias para liderar en tiempos de incertidumbre.
Cinco mentalidades paradójicas para estar preparado para el futuro
Conceptos clave de 'Ruthlessly Caring: And Other Paradoxical Mindsets Leaders Need to be Future Fit' de Amy Walters …
San Diego Ambassador Stories
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San Diego Member Stories
Hear the testimonials from some of our REF San Diego Members.