A Unique Peer Forum Experience for HR Leaders: Being a Co-Pilot in the Cockpit
Fully Filling the Shoes of being an HR Leader is Not Easy!

A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Life Sciences CEOs: A Life Support System
Fully Filling the Shoes of a Life Sciences CEO is Not Easy!

A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Nonprofit CEOs: Leadership Capacity Building
Fully Filling the Shoes of being a Nonprofit CEO is Not Easy!

A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Operations Leaders: Mastering Chaos!
Fully Filling the Shoes of an Operations Leader is Not Easy!

A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Sales Leaders: Becoming Square Pegs in Square Holes
Fully Filling the Shoes of a Bag-Carrying Professional Sales Leader is Not Easy!

A Unique Peer Forum Experience for Technology Leaders: Technicians of Transformation
Fully Filling the Shoes of being a Technology Leader is Not Easy!

Five paradoxical mindsets to become future-fit
Insights from "Ruthlessly Caring: And Other Paradoxical Mindsets Leaders Need to be Future Fit" by Amy Walters Cohen.

A Global Forum for Global Executives
We know from personal experience how easily global executives can miss out on a peer forum experience.

Twenty-Five Reasons to Join a Peer Advisory Group or Forum
I thought: How could something that is proven to be so effective be utilized by so few?